Tummy time with the tumtum

The tumtum difference

The tumtum wedge was designed with your baby in mind.  A newborn baby’s muscles develop from head to toe and from central to peripheral.  The tumtum supports the development of the correct muscles therefore supporting baby’s motor development and skills.  

The tumtum wedge helps babies begin to lift their head and turn it side to side by placing them in the perfect angle.

The tumtum provides a foundation for baby that is firm, versus soft, allowing baby to push with their forearms, and hands to assist their upper body to lift.  The tumtum design and dimensions were developed over time through hundreds of trial-and-error sessions with real babies. This precise and optimal angle creates the perfect setting for gravity assisted movement, which is key in all movement programs when trying to build strength.

The tumtum is a perfect way to help baby grow and thrive happily on their belly.

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